Deploy Ruby on Rails Project to Heroku on Ubuntu

1. Installation heroku environment (
Open your terminal and type command below:

1. wget -qO- | sh
2. gem install heroku foreman
3. heroku login

2. Installation git
Open your terminal and type command below:

1. sudo apt-get install git-core
2. sudo apt-get install expat openssl zlib1g zlib1g-dev

3. Create Ruby on Rails project
Open your terminal and type command below:

rails new app_name -d postgresql

Then open Gemfile and add two gem below:

gem "heroku"
gem "thin"

Open your terminal and type command below:

sudo apt-get install expat openssl zlib1g zlib1g-dev

4. Deploy to heroku
Open your terminal and type command below:

1. cd project_name
2. git init
3. git add .
4. git commit -m "my first commit"
5. heroku create heroku_app_name
6. heroku git:remote -a heroku_app_name
7. git push heroku master

Each time you wish to deploy to Heroku
Open your terminal and type command below:

1. git add -A
2. git commit -m "commit for deploy to heroku"
3. git push -f heroku