With all the hate, all the times I’ve been called a spammer, scammer, deceptive, and just about every other negative thing you can imagine, it would be easy for me to quit. So what keeps me going?
It’s true. I get a lot of very negative feedback on the things I do.
It hurts. It sucks. It makes me want to quit. But I keep going anyways. Because every now and then, I get an email from guys in USA… an email that gives me fuel for the fire that I’ve started… an email that makes me believe that what I am doing is important – not for me, not because I have anything special or unique, but because my mundane and ordinary problems and solutions are the same mundane and ordinary problems that other people need to solve. And sometimes, the impact of my solutions are far beyond anything that I ever expected.
That One Moment Of Impact
So why do I keep going? It’s that one positive note… that tweet from some random person… that person who takes the time to reply to an email and let me know that I’ve made an impact… this is why I do what I do.