Welcome to GeeKhmer! We strive to provide the best Ruby on Rails and other web technologies tutorials on the internet. Our goal is to help programmers solve every day problems with Ruby on Rails and other web technologies. In addition we also cover PHP, Wordpress, Laravel, C#, .NET, Orchard, Erlang, Chicagoboss, Javascript, Reactjs, Nodejs, Nginx, Apache and much more. Nearly all of our tutorials provide full example working code for download free of charge.
Who is responsible for this madness? GeeKhmer was founded in 2013 by Bunlong VAN, a passionate Software Engineer with in depth knowledge of dozens of languages. Bunlong VAN has experience in dozens of languages, including Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Wordpress, Laravel, C#, .NET, Orchard, Erlang, Chicagoboss, Javascript, Reactjs, Nodejs, Nginx, Apache and much more. Tired of merely programming, Bunlong decided it was time to give back to the community, and hence GeeKhmer was born.
We are one of the fastest growing Ruby on Rails and other web technologies websites on the internet and we are thankful that all you guys have made us into what we are today. Thank you for being awesome!
Contacting Us
If there are any questions about programming or any feedback you may contact us via email: geekhmer@gmail.com or bunlong.van@gmail.com.